Monday, October 20, 2008

DIALOG questions

How is dialog created?

In my project dialog was created by having two distinct clear spaces. The middle part of my model divided the two spaces. The way the middle part connected to the outer part is where the dialog was created.

How is a sense of space/place defined?

The space is defined in mine by having one large cube but divided in the center so there is a space o both sides of the cube. There is also the sense of negative space which implies repetitive space. This makes it have two clear, obvious spaces.

How is the idea of system generated?

In the outer part of my model I used eight skewers and eight pieces of Bristol board. For the middle part I used four skewers and four pieces of board. A system of cubes is also repetitive.

How does joinery support the project concept/strategies?

Joinery connects each piece of the model and holds the middle piece in. The outer cubed is also spaced measured in 9 by 9 increments, the same as the middle, so it fits perfectly.

How is scale utilized in the project?

The center piece in my project is measured out nine by nine exactly, just like outer cube. These measurements create two exactly the same size n two spaces. I also measured the skewers nine by nine so they fit along with the rest of the model.

How do two-dimensional images add to the understanding of the project?

The two spaces are exactly the same and are positioned back to back. If you look at the model from the side you can see the exact proportions of both the spaces. You can also tell how clear the two spaces are.

How did the initial project idea evolve?

My first iteration I tried to have large cube as the outer part and a smaller cube in the center, but that created too many spaces. So I decided to keep the outer part being a large cube and simply using my leftover four pieces of Bristol board and arranged the, so a little space was leftover in the center mimicking the cube idea.

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